Request and approve vacations or absences in a more optimal way and reduce the time spent with the leave manager.
Vacation management module user
All my absences and vacations in one place
With the leave manager, the employee manages all the information related to his absences from a single place and without the need to fill out papers, excels or deliver any physical document, the entire flow of use is completely digital.
The user can:
- Consult the company calendar with the designated holidays.
- Consult the balance of vacations or days available, including the detail that justifies the resulting balance.
- Export to EXCEL the balance detail.
- Consult the balance report to know the days requested, approved and the available balance.
- Create leave requests quickly from the app or the web.
- Attach images, such as discharge reports, to the applications.
- Receive notifications in the app when the application changes status.

User administrator vacation manager module
Better supervision and control
The administrator user or a user with privileges can, in addition to requesting his own absences, manage the absences of other users.
- Receive a notification with each absence request.
- Report with the vacation balance of each user.
- Inquiry about the detail of movements in the vacation balance.
- Closes and opens new years with holidays and staff vacation days.
- Customize absence types by setting the level of review, notifications or type of calculation.
Companies of all sizes trust us
Vacation management module user
Different configurations
Within the absence module there are different types of absences:
- Vacation.
- Common disease.
- Industrial accident.
- Birth leave.
- Breastfeeding leave.
- Wedding permit.
The most complete functionalities to manage vacations or absences
Benefits of a digital leave manager
A digital leave manager allows employees to request days off, track their requests and manage their leave schedules more efficiently. In addition to being convenient for employees, it can also offer numerous benefits for employers. Here are some of the most important benefits of a digital leave manager.
First, a digital leave manager can save time and effort in manually managing leave requests. Employees can submit their requests online, which saves HR managers time by reducing the need to collect paper requests and manually track them.
Second, a digital leave manager can help reduce errors and misunderstandings. Employees can clearly see the amount of vacation days available and can submit accurate and detailed requests online. This reduces the possibility of misunderstandings and ensures that fair and equitable decisions are made on vacation requests.
Third, a digital leave manager can improve transparency and communication between employees and HR management. Employees can clearly see the amount of vacation days available to them, which helps them plan ahead and make informed decisions about when to take days off. In addition, HR management can easily communicate any updated vacation policy through the platform.
Fourth, a digital leave manager can improve productivity by reducing the amount of time employees spend managing their leave requests. Employees can submit requests online in a matter of minutes, rather than having to spend time talking to the HR manager or filling out paper forms. This allows them to focus on their daily tasks and be more productive at work.
In conclusion, a digital leave manager can offer numerous benefits for both employees and employers. From reducing the time and effort spent manually managing leave requests to improving transparency and communication, this online tool can help improve efficiency and productivity in the workplace.