delivery note electronic signature Digital transformation

What is a concrete delivery note

A concrete delivery note is a document used in the construction industry to certify the delivery of a certain amount of concrete. This document is issued by the concrete supplier and is given to the client as proof of delivery.Continue readingWhat is a delivery note of concrete

delivery note electronic signature Digital transformation

Los beneficios de los albaranes digitales

Cómo la tecnología está revolucionando la forma en que se emiten y gestionan los albaranes en cualquier sector Los albaranes digitales están cambiando la forma en que se emite y gestiona la documentación en cualquier sector. Estos son algunos de los beneficios de los albaranes…Seguir leyendoLos beneficios de los albaranes digitales

electronic signature work report

Main differences between the digital signature delivery notes and the electronic signature.

It is common to confuse the meaning of these two terms (digital signature delivery notes and electronic signature) but in reality they offer different solutions and utilities. Both concepts are fundamental in the management of a company and for that reason, in this post we will explain the main differences...Continue readingMain differences between the digital signature delivery notes and the electronic signature.

Itcons App work report and Work Orders