Upgrade version 5.8

Nos complace anunciar la versión 5.8 de itcons.app. Aquí están las mejoras específicas y correcciones realizadas:

New Features:

  • Enlaces públicos para crear partes sin usuario. Se trata de una funcionalidad con la que cualquier persona tenga o no usuario en la aplicación puede enviar un documento en base al modelo vinculado al enlace publico. Ver manual.
  • Notas de audio con transcripción automática. En el campo notas además de poder escribir un texto se puede ahora grabar una nota de audio que el sistema transcribe disponiendo así del audio y del texto. Ver manual.

Functionality Improvements:

  • Ahora al tener un documento o parte con más de una firma se podrá definir si enviar la copia en PDF con cada firma o solo al recibir todas las firmas.
  • Posibilidad de definir la visibilidad sobre los envíos de un modelo en concreto para el rol usuario. Así por ejemplo se puede ocultar automáticamente los envíos de más de 30 días al rol usuario móvil. Ver manual.
  • Improved functionality for repetitive work orders. You can now check the configuration of the repetition from the work order itself. In addition, the repetition configuration shows you the work orders created under the repetition and tells you when the next work order will be created.
  • Opción de eliminación masiva de ordenes de trabajo.

Bug Fixes:

  • Corrección en adjuntos de las ordenes repetitivas.
  • Corrección en descarga de PDFs con imagenes incrustadas.
  • Correcciones traducciones en módulo de ausencias.
  • Al acceder a proyectos se estaba abriendo en el menú lateral la opción administración en lugar de la de proyectos.
  • Mostrar ordenes de trabajo archivadas en la vista kanban de las ordenes de trabajo.
  • Un usuario con rol gestor de proyectos o usuario móvil si tenía el permiso para crear proyectos podía ver modelos en los que no estaba asignado.

These new features and improvements are designed to make your experience with itcons .app more efficient, intuitive and personalized! Update your app today and take advantage of all these amazing new features.

Do you have any questions or comments about version 5.7? Let us know in the comments!

Upgrade version 5.7

We are pleased to announce version 5.7 of itcons .app. Here are the specific improvements and fixes made:

New Features:

  • Save filters and view functionality with which you can save both the combination of filters made and the applied view (list, map, kanban, calendar, signature) both in work reports as in work orders. See manual
  • Filter and default view functionality so that when accessing work orders or a model work report the filter is loaded along with the applied view directly. See manual
  • Added the activity of an absence to be able to check when it has been created, accepted, etc.
  • Customize the web listing of work orders with highlighted data, being able to choose up to 4 data to display in the list. See manual
  • Option to organize work orders in the kanban view by priority

Functionality Improvements:

  • Improvement in the standard PDF of the work reports with signatures. The name of the signature specified in the model configuration will now be displayed.
  • Improved functionality for repetitive work orders. You can now check the configuration of the repetition from the work order itself. In addition, the repetition configuration shows you the work orders created under the repetition and tells you when the next work order will be created.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an error when loading a model from the gallery and choosing not to import a category but to link it to an existing one. The relationship was not being generated correctly.
  • Updated the version of Firebase used by the application and which was about to be deprecated.
  • Fixed a visual error in the work order type breadcrumb trail, where the word work appeared twice.
  • Fixed a meaningless alert when clicking on create part in work orders and the order type does not have an associated model.
  • Improved the title of the project selection modal in the document flow by user, day and project.
  • Fixed reloading of the client name related to the project work report when the project itself is changed.
  • Correction in the notes of the work reports , when skipping the mandatory data validation the notes button stopped working.
  • Fixed bug in the duplicate user function, which duplicated the ID and the last session record when it should not have.

These new features and improvements are designed to make your experience with itcons .app more efficient, intuitive and personalized! Update your app today and take advantage of all these amazing new features.

Do you have any questions or comments about version 5.7? Let us know in the comments!

Upgrade version 5.6

We are pleased to announce version 5.6 of itcons.app. Here are the specific improvements and fixes made:

New Features:

  • Improvements in projects: added project dates functionality, with automatic timeline view.
  • New functionality to manually enter the code in the scanner data.
  • Added specific screen to configure models of work report, delivery notes or reports.
  • New help links with direct access to the manual post in the Excel queries of the models and in the configuration of the model list.

Functionality Improvements:

  • Improvements to the repetitive work order listing screen: added filtering options such as name, project, assigned user, task type, periodicity and archiving.
  • Improved calendar view of work reports, delivery notes or reports: added the project name next to the assigned user.
  • Improvements in listings on work reports, delivery notes or reports: the related work order is now displayed.
  • Improved work order editing view: added activity thread and relationship table.
  • Improved debugging of selectable data loading inline and header or footer at work reports, delivery notes or reports

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed error when creating data type email: did not show the option to send copy when creating the data.
  • Fixed unique identifier error in the links of work orders, projects or work reports.
  • Fixed query error in work reports and absence orders when changing date range.
  • Fixed bug with signature and default project in the model editor.
  • Fixed bug when duplicating users: did not duplicate permission settings.
  • Removed an error in loading an image type data when it did not contain any image.

These new features and improvements are designed to make your experience with itcons .app more efficient, intuitive and personalized! Update your app today and take advantage of all these amazing new features.

Do you have any questions or comments about version 5.5? Let us know in the comments!

Upgrade version 5.5

Discover the exciting improvements and new features in version 5.5 of itcons.app!

We are pleased to announce the release of version 5.5 of itcons.app, packed with new features, improvements and fixes to offer you an even more complete and personalized experience. Explore the new features we have prepared for you!

What's new in version 5.5:

  1. App available from the Microsoft App Store: You can now download itcons.app directly from the Microsoft App Store for easier and faster installation!
  2. Color customization: Customize the colors of the application according to your preferences or corporate colors and make the application totally yours. See manual.
  3. Rename main elements: Now you can rename the main elements of the application, such as work reports, projects and work orders, adapting them to your specific needs. See manual.
  4. Model search in the menu: If you have more than 5 models, you can now use the new model search functionality in the menu for easier navigation.

Improved functionality:

  1. Correction of colors in the holiday calendar: We have adjusted the colors in the holiday calendar to make them easily distinguishable.
  2. New work order user assignment view: Improve work order assignment management in your team with this new, more intuitive and efficient view.
  3. Improvements in the navigation crumb path: We have improved the application crumb path for better navigability.
  4. Archiving label: Archived users, projects and resources will now have a specific label for better organization.
  5. Improved project creation flow: We have modified the project creation flow to resemble that of work orders and added the auto-save function so that you never lose your progress.
  6. Autosave in work order type configuration: This functionality has also been added to the work order type configuration for convenience.
  7. New visual style for work order priority: We have implemented a new visual style so that you can easily identify the priority of work orders.
  8. Archived projects in a secondary list. Similar to the way work reports works, archived projects are now displayed in a secondary list.
  9. Archived work orders in a secondary list. Similar to the operation on work reports the archived work orders are now displayed in a secondary list.

These new features and improvements are designed to make your experience with itcons .app more efficient, intuitive and personalized! Update your app today and take advantage of all these amazing new features.

Do you have any questions or comments about version 5.5? Let us know in the comments!

Upgrade version 5.4

We're excited to announce the arrival of version 5.4 of itcons.app, packed with exciting improvements and fixes to make your experience even smoother and more efficient! In this latest update, we've focused on addressing issues reported by our user community and adding new features that will help you be more productive. Let's take a look at what we've prepared for you!

Error corrections:

  1. Error correction when selecting all users in orders: Now you will be able to select all users without problems when creating work orders.
  2. Correction of pending translation strings in absences: We have improved the translation in absences for a more consistent experience.
  3. Correction in hidden line calculations in work reports: We have fixed an issue in hidden line calculations in the work reports to ensure data accuracy.
  4. Error correction in the crossing of project data: An error has been fixed that affected the crossing of project information with the default project.

Improved functionality:

  1. Improved organization of user sessions on the server: We have optimized the organization of user sessions for improved performance.
  2. Option to edit informative data from the model configuration: Now administrator users can edit informative data directly from the model configuration.
  3. Refresh modal read data value: We have improved the functionality to refresh the modal read data value when editing the associated resource.
  4. Option to delete planning date in work orders: Now you can delete planning dates of work orders according to your needs.
  5. Visual enhancement marking weekends in all calendar views: We have added a visual enhancement to mark weekends in all calendar views.
  6. Hide forward button in public path of work reports: The forward button has been hidden in the public path of work reports for better information management.
  7. Improvements to the timeline view: We have made general improvements to the timeline view for a more intuitive experience.

New functionalities:

  1. Assigned to me option in work orders: Now you can filter work orders to see only those assigned to you, making task management easier.

We're excited for you to try out all of these new features and enhancements. Access your application today for an even better experience with itcons.app. Thank you for your continued support and feedback!

Do you have any questions or comments about version 5.4? Let us know in the comments!

#itconsapp #Upgrade #Upgrades #Improvements #News #Productivity

Upgrade version 5.3

¡Nos emociona anunciar la llegada de la versión 5.3 de itcons.app con una serie de mejoras y correcciones para optimizar aún más tu experiencia de usuario! 🚀 Echemos un vistazo a las nuevas características y las correcciones implementadas:

📅 Mejoras en la vista cronograma de una orden de trabajo: Ahora, al pulsar sobre la barra en la vista cronograma de una orden de trabajo, se abrirá la ficha correspondiente. Además, hemos añadido un icono con el estado de la orden de trabajo a la izquierda del nombre y hemos agregado la opción de escoger entre la vista calendario y la vista cronograma.

📆 Corrección en el dato fecha en línea desde el ordenador: Hemos solucionado un problema donde al pulsar fuera y luego al tabulador no se cargaba el modal correctamente.

Corrección en valor por defecto al insertar una segunda línea en el dato tipo hora y el dato tipo texto largo: Ahora, al insertar una segunda línea en estos datos, el valor por defecto se asigna correctamente.

📱 Corrección de error en dato oculto para rol usuario móvil: Se ha corregido un error relacionado con el dato oculto para el rol de usuario móvil.

🔗 Añadida pantalla enlace recuperar contraseña caducado: Ahora, los usuarios pueden recuperar contraseñas caducadas a través de una pantalla de enlace dedicada.

🔄 Corrección al duplicar un modelo: Anteriormente, al duplicar un modelo, se duplicaban datos de línea borrados previamente, este problema ha sido corregido.

🔍 Corrección doble filtro de estado en vista cronograma en órdenes de trabajo: Se ha solucionado un problema donde había un doble filtro de estado en la vista cronograma de órdenes de trabajo.

🗑 Corrección para poder eliminar las opciones en el dato tipo lista de opciones: Ahora, los usuarios pueden eliminar opciones en este tipo de dato sin problemas.

📝 Corrección de texto en usuario asignado: En lugar de indicar «no definido» en el usuario asignado al cambiar de proyecto en una orden de trabajo, ahora se muestra correctamente la información correspondiente.

🔁 Corrección al duplicar una orden de trabajo: Se ha solucionado un problema donde duplicar una orden de trabajo también duplicaba la traza de actividad.

¡Estas mejoras y correcciones están diseñadas para hacer que tu experiencia con itcons.app sea más fluida y eficiente que nunca! No dudes en enviarnos tus comentarios y sugerencias mientras continuamos trabajando para mejorar nuestra aplicación. Si tienes alguna pregunta o necesitas asistencia, nuestro equipo de soporte está siempre disponible.

Thank you for being part of the itcons.app community!

Sincerely, The Team of itcons.app

Upgrade version 5.2

🎉 Update to version 5.2 of itcons.app! 🎉

We're excited to announce the arrival of version 5.2 of itcons.app, with exciting enhancements and fixes to make your experience even better! Here are the details of the modifications we've made:

  1. New Data Type Percentage: Now you can enjoy the functionality of a new data type percentage, which expands the possibilities of your experience with the application. You will be able to create discounts, tax rates, etc.
  2. Improved Endless Scroll Performance: We have optimized the endless scroll performance for a smoother and more efficient experience.
  3. Iframe Affecting Fact: We improved iframe performance on works reports, absences and work orders for a more consistent and efficient display.
  4. Bug Fixes: We have fixed several bugs, including one related to a calculated data when adding the modal of the calculation line and another bug with the category selection type data that gave error when backtracking without selecting any.
  5. Public View of work reports: We solved a problem with the public view of a work report due to the new multi-language functionality.
  6. Work Order Filter Error Fix in the Mobile App: Now you can search by work order name without problems in the mobile app.
  7. Web Experience Improvements: On web devices, searching for a project by name in the projects screen will now open the result in an iframe instead of a new page, improving navigation and user experience.
  8. Load Debugging: We have debugged the load to improve the speed of listing absence requests and loading suborders when editing a work order.

We hope these improvements and fixes will make your experience with itcons.app even more rewarding and productive! Feel free to send us your comments and suggestions as we continue to work to improve our application. If you have any questions or need assistance, our support team is always available.

Thank you for being part of the itcons.app community!

Sincerely, The Team of itcons.app

Upgrade version 5.1

Version 5.1 of itcons.app has arrived with new features you'll love!

At itcons.app, we're always looking for ways to improve your experience and the efficiency of your work. That's why we're excited to announce the latest update: version 5.1, which brings with it a number of improvements and new features - here's everything you need to know!

What's new in version 5.1:

  • Hideable menu functionality: We have added the ability to hide and show the menu in web browser environments to maximize your workspace.
  • New projects screen: As part of our development plan, we have designed a new project listing screen. Now, accessing your projects is even more direct through the menu, paving the way for future updates that will include customizable statuses, project types and definition of start and end dates.
  • New schedule view in work orders: Replacing the conventional calendar view, the new schedule view allows you to consult and manage work orders according to their schedule and to detect unplanned work orders, as well as allowing you to adjust dates intuitively.
  • Data scanner improvements: We upgraded the data scanner with an improved interface and superior performance, making your experience smoother.
  • Optimized date picker: We have improved the date picker on work orders for faster and more accurate selection.
  • Search for clients in projects: Now you can search for clients directly from a project's file, streamlining your management and follow-up.
  • Updated calendar library: Absences and work reports now have an updated calendar system for better planning.
  • Correction in the closing of annual balances: We solved an error that occurred when the balance of annual days for the new year was zero.
  • Corrections in repetitive orders: We have made adjustments to ensure consistency and reliability in repetitive work orders.
  • BETA test - New languages: We are expanding horizons! This update brings with it a preliminary version of itcons.app in English, Catalan or Basque, so you can work in your preferred language. If you want to show your interest in these languages, please let us know in this form.

This update reflects our ongoing commitment to improvement and innovation. We are eager for you to try these new features and give us your valuable feedback. If you have any questions or need assistance, our support team is always available.

Upgrade now and take your project management to the next level with itcons.app version 5.1!

Upgrade Version 5.0

🚀 itcons.app 5.0 arrives with a new visual style that sets the stage for the start of exciting new features for 2024! 🎉 This new design sets the stage for major enhancements to come throughout 2024:

Improvements in future upgrades during the year 2024

✨During 2024 projects will be more powerful on itcons.app: Throughout the year the following functionalities will be added: Customizable types and statuses, Kanban view by status and timeline with start and end dates and more.

Advanced work orders: Next year you will be able to add links and access a chronological view of your orders in addition to other improvements and settings.

🛠️ work reports more versatile: It will be possible to create parts from a public URL, without the need to log in, so you can invite anyone you want to create parts or any other type of document, and new data types will be added so you can create even more creative work reports designs.

⏰ Improved absence control: The absence module will control the total attendance and distribute the hours between normal and overtime, with overtime compensation for absence if desired, in addition to improvements in validations and other functionalities.

Get ready for a more agile and efficient business management with itcons.app version 5.0 and all the updates to come for this future year 2024! ✨ More details coming soon on every update. #itconsApp #Update #BusinessManagement.

Happy holidays and a prosperous 2024! 🎄✨

Upgrade Version 4.22

Greetings to all itcons.app users! We are excited to announce the arrival of version 4.22 of our app, which brings a number of exciting enhancements and bug fixes. We've been working hard to make your experience with itcons.app even more efficient and effective. Let's take a look at the tasks addressed in this latest update:

  1. Fixed user modifications and synchronization with login master: We have addressed issues related to user authentication and synchronization for a smoother experience.
  2. Error when editing or creating work reports templates: We have fixed the problems that prevented the editing and creation of work reports templates.
  3. Error in loading the role list of the project manager with the sum of totals functionality enabled: The sum of totals functionality now works correctly.
  4. Error when removing the check from all projects to users in their profile: We have solved this problem so that you can manage projects efficiently.
  5. Consultation of user sessions in the web environment: Now, you can access a list of user sessions directly from the web version.
  6. Correction when editing a line of work report with the data type category selection: The loss of relationship between the line and the resource has been fixed.
  7. Error in the work reports notification alert to users: We have improved the alert to avoid incorrect notifications.
  8. New way to create and query repetitive work orders: We have made the process more intuitive and accessible.
  9. Validación en la estructura del email al reenviar partes de trabajo: Garantizamos que los emails sean enviados correctamente.
  10. Adjustments to the jargon functionality: We have optimized the terminology and language in the application.
  11. Improvements in the creation and edition of work orders: We facilitate the management of work orders.
  12. Field "Unit of Measurement" in the work order query excel: Now you can query work orders in more detail.

These improvements and fixes are designed to make itcons.app more efficient and easier to use than ever before. We appreciate your feedback and suggestions, which helped us identify and address these issues - we hope you enjoy version 4.22 and find it useful!

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact our support team, thank you for trusting itcons.app for your work management needs!

Stay tuned for future updates and improvements!