Create work report templates

Once we have decided how we want our work report model we are going to create it, for this, we have to take into account what parts make up a work report model: First is the general information, in which; we name the part model, we link it with the company to which it belongs, the users that we want to fill this part in the mobile APP and finally if it is related to any type of work order previously created. In the central part of the report, which is the one to be filled in by the operator-worker, it is separated into 3 main modules.

  • The header, here you can add all kinds of data to be filled in only once, it is common to add an image here.
  • The part lines are those that you will be able to fill in several times in the part. To create the line of part you start creating a section, which can be linked to a category with its corresponding resources (example: Section materials, linked to the category plumbing materials with all the resources that are different materials, such as pvc pipe, elbows, etc) or it can be a section that we do not want to link to any category or resources, but what we want is to leave it free for when creating the part from the APP will be adding the data.once created the section we add the columns, which are the data to be filled in each section. Taking as an example that of materials the columns can be quantity, price and a last column with a data calculated with the total price (quantity * price) You can add as many sections as you want personnel, material, machinery, task... you decide the name and the columns since it is totally configurable.
  • Part footer, this is the end of the part, here as in the header you add data that will only be filled once, can also be text, number, list of options, calculated, resources, customer ... all options are open.
edit a digital work report app
work report model editor in digital format

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