Dashboard settings
Load the Dashboard at login.
cada usuario puede escoger si cargar o no al inicio de su sesión el dashboard. Esto se configura en "Mis datos"
With this check enabled when logging in, the dashboard is loaded both on the web and on the app android or ios. On the other hand, if this option is deactivated, the app will load the following pages
- List of work orders if the module is activated on the site and if the user in question has the module activated in his user profile.
- Otherwise, it will display the list of work reports of the first model of work reports assigned to the user in question.
- Otherwise, i.e. if you do not have the work orders module or the reports module activated and the site has the absence module, then it will load the list of absence requests.
Dashboard Blocks
The dashboard contains 4 main blocks
- That of the work reports.
- The activity
- Work orders
- Absences.
The activity block is displayed for all users in all cases, although the activity displayed depends on the user's role. The rest of the blocks are displayed depending on whether they are activated on the site and/or on the specific profile of the user in question.
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