Main differences between the digital signature delivery notes and the electronic signature.

It is common to confuse the meaning of these two terms (digital signature delivery notes and electronic signature) but in reality they offer different solutions and utilities. Both concepts are fundamental in the management of a company and therefore, in this post we will explain the main differences between these two terms.

Electronic signature

The electronic signature is the evidence of an electronic document that is born with the objective of replacing the physical document signature. This legal concept is used to establish guarantees in agreements and transactions between persons or entities.

The elDAS (electronic identification and trust services) regulation arises to guarantee companies, citizens and public authorities any transaction occurring within the European Union. In this way, all legal processes through these documents are regulated to offer security to users who conduct business online.

On the other hand, there is the Electronic Signatures in National and Global Commerce Act (ESIGN) of the United States that arises for the electronic signature of electronic processes as long as a contract is attached.

For which cases is it useful to use electronic signatures?

It is common to use mobile applications to sign electronic documents. Thus, the end user receives the file on any electronic device to digitally sign the document. A watermark is then attached to the certificate to protect it. The following are examples of entities that can use this type of legal documents:

Digital signature delivery notes

The digital signature implements a type of technology that guarantees the legitimacy of the document. In practice, a certification authority is necessary to generate a cryptography with the corresponding digital fingerprint.

In addition, this type of document includes public keys (PKI) in the signature:

What are the main differences between digital and electronic signatures?

It is important to mention that both signatures are binding, but the electronic signature, thanks to the legal guarantees it offers, is the only one capable of replacing the traditional signature:

Electronic signatures

Standard method for securing the document.

Its purpose is to verify the identity of the signatories.

It corresponds to a handwritten signature.

It is easy to use thanks to electronic signature applications.

Digital signature

Complex method with certificates to guarantee the signature.

Its purpose is to protect the integrity of the documents.

It does not correspond to a handwritten signature.

Third party verification of the document is required.

Do you want to use the digital signature on delivery notes and remotely?

Thanks to the latest update, allows you to create and send delivery notes with digital signature remotely. These are some of the features of the application:

Use it for free!