The Digital Day Record: Mandatory in Spain as of January 2025

As of January 1, 2025, all companies in Spain will be obliged to implement a digital system for recording the working hours of their employees. This measure, established by the government's labor reform, seeks to ensure transparency, accuracy and compliance with regulations on timekeeping. In addition, it definitively replaces paper records, modernizing the management of working time in organizations.

What does this new regulation imply?

  1. Mandatory digital recording All companies must use electronic tools to record workers' clock-in and clock-out times. This includes app-based systems, labor management software and biometric devices.
  2. Remote access to records The Labor Inspectorate, employees and their representatives will have telematic access to these data, ensuring agile, real-time supervision.
  3. Data retention Digital records must be retained for a minimum of four years, in compliance with data protection regulations (RGPD).
  4. Penalties for non-compliance Companies that do not adopt a digital system or do not comply with the established conditions may face fines ranging from 751 to 7,500 euros, depending on the seriousness of the infringement.

Advantages of digital recording systems

The shift to digital systems not only responds to the legal obligation, but also brings significant benefits for companies:

Is your company ready?

At, we offer technological solutions so that your company can easily and efficiently adapt to these new regulations. Our digital work order and parts software facilitates time recording, reporting and compliance with legal regulations, all in a single tool.

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Digitize your company's timekeeping now and forget about fines! Create your site on and find out how we can help you comply with the new digital time recording regulations.

Keep up to date with the latest news on labor regulations and digitization in our blog. The transition to digital is an opportunity to improve the internal management of your company and align with the legal requirements of the future.