From Itcons we believe that digitization is a necessity that allows to be at the forefront of the new times, making the company that implements this new system of work reports worry about achieving its objectives, focusing on the daily work, saving valuable time in the management of your company.
Thanks to the use of our mobile App Orders and work reports companies of all types (microenterprises, SMEs and large companies) and very diverse sectors, construction, facilities, maintenance, industry, transport have improved the process after the completion of the work, such as the management of work reports.
It is time to forget about manually transferring to the management program all the paper reports made by the operators and file them in folders that eventually become difficult to consult, digitize them and consult them at any time in a few seconds. The first thing you need is to identify what you want to capture in our application, what are the objectives and identify how you want to implement it. If it is going to be used only for work reports, installation part, maintenance part, etc. and if, prior to this step of creating the part, orders are going to be sent, either a simple notice, a production order, manufacturing order, or a classic work order with information about the task and the customer.
Defining this need is something basic before starting with our mobile APP. It can be very useful to ask each department what their needs are, where they waste more time... In short, listen to those who develop the day-to-day business to improve their experience and, with it, the efficiency of the company saving time and costs thanks to the application of work reports Itcons .