How the vacation balance report works

This report is shown to all users except that only users with the administrator role can consult the balance of all users, the rest of the users, whether they are project managers or mobile users, only have access to consult their own balance.

Thus the table can be filtered by:

  • A specific user.
  • A specific year, by default it is loaded with the current year.
  • To add or not to add disabled users.

After filtering the table is displayed with the following columns:

User: Name of the user assigned to the balance and absence requests.

  • Previous year: Indicates the vacation balance that the user could carry over (either positive or negative).
  • This year: Indicates the annual leave balance assigned to the user.
  • Extra balance: Indicates the vacation balance added in an extraordinary way by the administrator.
  • Total balance: this is the sum of last year's vacation balance, this year's vacation balance and the vacation balance added as a bonus balance.
  • Accepted days: includes the sum of all the days of absence requests accepted for the user.
  • Days sent: includes the sum of all days of absence requests in sent status for the user.
  • Saldo pendiente: es la resta de días aceptados y días enviados sobre el saldo total. Saldo total - días aceptados

View a user's balance details

By clicking on a specific row, you can access a user's balance details.

This is how the balance history is displayed.

You can consult the absence in particular and also navigate between different years and even export the detail to excel.

Add vacation balance to a user

Mediante el botón "añadir saldo" el usuario administrador puede añadir saldo a un usuario.

Si el tipo es "saldo añadido" se mostrará dentro de la columna "Saldo extra".

Si el tipo es "Días anuales" se mostrará dentro de la columna "Este año".

Si el tipo es "Desde año anterior" se mostrará dentro de la columna "Año anterior".

The entry can be made in positive or negative, i.e. if it is 2 days, two days are added and if it is -2 days, two days are subtracted.

Functionality to close annual balances

See the specific entry. itconsapp/como-abrir-y-cerrar-saldos-anuales-de-vacaciones

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