How to create a work report from a work order

The work orders are the pre-work assignment and the work reports corresponds to the post-work report. In other words, the work order is pre-job and the work report is post-job.

The flow of use

To create a work report linked to a work order:

1.- Access to the work order

2.- Click on Create Part


3.- Subsequently, the work order automatically goes to the status in execution.

And the work report created can be consulted from the order form

4.- When sending the work report the user is asked if he/she wants to complete the work order related to the work report. The user can choose between:

  • Just send. The work report is sent but the work order is still in execution.
  • Submit and complete the work order. The work report is sent and the work order is completed at the same time.

If you do not want to leave it up to the user to complete the work orders, you can deactivate this option in the work order type configuration:

Aspects to consider

1.- A part cannot be created until it is assigned to a project and a user. As long as these conditions are not met, the "CREATE PART" button remains disabled.

The part model that is loaded after clicking on "CREATE PART" depends on the model defined in the work order type configuration. In case the work order type has only one part model defined, it loads it automatically. In case the work order type has two work report templates defined, the user will be prompted to choose which template to use.

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