How to add value to the workday record

Since the day registration came into force we have received an infinite number of queries on, many customers have called us with doubts and queries, we have had to modify installations and reorient implementations, but after this month we are left with a feeling inside us:

Complying with the law does not make an organization smart.

An organization is intelligent to the extent that it uses its context, its framework to the benefit of its objectives. With this in mind, we have been able to see how, thanks to, you can convert a basic labor registration system into a system that not only serves for labor registration, but also provides business information that can be used to improve business information.

That said, we understand that it is not the same to report that it is worked between 8:00 and 17:00 than to say that it is worked between 8:00 and 17:00 with, for example, a breakdown of the cost center, project, task, or analytical category to which those hours correspond. In this way it is possible to combine compliance with the law (the duty to record hours) with the cost information required by any organization.

The important thing is not the work time, but what is done with that work time.

Since the important thing is not the working time, but what is done in that working time. That is why, from we understand that the exclusive systems of control and registration do not add value to the company and also orient productivity towards the key that the important thing is the presence and not what is done during that presence.

If you want to add value to your records and have them serve as business information, do not hesitate to contact the team. We will be happy to offer our knowledge to your service.