Workday recording options with itcons
Activate and configure to your liking one of the workday record models available at itcons and add value to work reports, delivery notes, check-list, work order management, maintenance or vacation, leave and leave manager.
2 models for labor registration in your company
We have two models of time registration, with a structure designed to adapt to each case of company and how you want to record the entries and exits or the schedule of the day.
These models are the result of years of configuring the application itcons for other purposes as well as to unify the time registration in the same application.
Successive entries and exits ⇲
This model is the most open model and can be used both for a continuous workday and for a workday with an infinite number of entrances and exits.
Split or continuous working day ⇲
The user chooses whether it is a split or continuous workday. In the case of a split workday, it indicates the start and end times in the morning and the start and end times in the afternoon. Additionally, if a company does not have a continuous workday, it can be eliminated from the design.
The days can have a pre-established schedule as a default value of the time type data that records it.
2 possible ways to register
In our day-to-day business we come across companies that, because of the way they are organized or because of their activity, want to record the day as the day progresses.
Other companies, on the other hand, prefer the user to take 2 minutes at the end of the day and record the day's workday, and with the template functionality, predefined workdays can be loaded so that the user only has to choose one of them.
As the day progresses ⇲
If you opt for this way of proceeding the user registers the entry when entering and the exit when leaving, anyway the app allows flexibility in the registration so that it does not generate the anxiety of having to go writing down as you enter or leave or you have to request the modification to a superior.
But at all times it records the declared time and the moment or instant at which it was recorded, so that the system administrator has all the information.
The whole day in an instant ⇲
For companies with predefined schedules, the application can make use of the template functionality, which allows to record in a single act the entire working day based on a user's selection. Of course, after loading a working day based on the template selected by the user, the user can edit it if needed.
Enable or disable location logging
By activating location or geolocation logging in the time data of the time recording template, the site administrator can query the locations where check-ins and check-outs are recorded.
Add intelligence and ask us to program an automatic delivery.
In itcons we can add intelligence to the hours register and let the software itself, based on the specific logic of each company or agreement, distribute the hours by type (normal, overtime, night, holiday, etc.) as well as the bonuses for travel, night work, on-call, etc. This case is adapted for each company-agreement and is a module that is deployed ad-hoc.
Other functionalities and benefits of using and time recording
Data Custody
The servers of itcons have data protection policies and systems for generating, transferring and storing backup copies that allow you to forget about this task.
Integrate it with value-added functionalities
Integrate the time recording into a template on work report to record production information or create separate templates. All options are possible and add value to the time recording.
Simple and scalable app
You can start by digitizing time recording and add more digital processes in your company as your company's digital maturity progresses.
Cost and production control
Add templates from work report or sections to the timesheet to allow you to unify time recording with business information related to production and costs.