- We create the project
- We proceed to create a new model
- Configuring the spare parts section
- Create the spare parts category to list the materials together with their preset prices.
- Configuring the labor section
- How to perform the VAT breakdown of the total work report valuation for customer
- Configure work report signature for the customer
In this example we bring you the case of how we have configured itcons.app for the use case of a company dedicated to forestry maintenance and gardening work.
First we analyze the original paper document, the paper that the company has been using up to now:
The first considerations to emphasize are:
- In many cases there is a difference between what is indicated in the paper template, the boxes, and what the operator actually fills in and what the day-to-day work imposes. That is why the moment of configuring itcons.app is a moment where the company's data structure is rethought.
- In this configuration the project is the same as the client. see entry what is a project in itcons.app
- After discussion with the company, it is simplified to a single date by eliminating the entry and exit dates. In case of several days, either a work report is generated for each day or a work report with the total number of hours.
- In the example above you can see how the employee himself confuses the sections and adds operators (height pruning technician and ground pruning technician) as spare parts or consumables when they should be in the labor section.
We create the project
We hide the fields of the project tab that we are not going to use, for which we access the project configuration View project configuration
We proceed to create a new model
We name this model "work report FOR CUSTOMER".
In addition to what the paper can support, we add an image header data:
The part is subdivided into two sections, spare parts and labor, we proceed to create the sections
Here is the model with the two sections:
Configuring the spare parts section
The spare parts section consists of a list of materials or spare parts, a field to indicate the quantity and in this case a field for the system to load the amount or preset rate and finally perform a calculation between the quantity and the rate to obtain the amount.
Create the spare parts category to list the materials together with their preset prices.
We leave the model for a moment and go to administration > categories
And we created the spare parts category What are the categories and resources and what are they for?
Specifically, we add for this case the following rate
Thus, when creating a resource within the spare parts category, we are asked for the value for the tariff:
We go back to the configuration or editing of the work report template for the customer and go back to the spare parts used section and click on the + symbol to add or link the newly created category and choose the data type category selection.
Configuring it as follows:
We continue adding the data type number to indicate the number of spare parts
In this particular case we have chosen to indicate a default value of 1 since most of the time only 1 is the amount to be indicated, if this behavior is not desired, just leave the default value empty so that it does not show any value by default.
This is the moment to add the tariff defined for the spare part, this tariff is automatically charged according to the spare part concept chosen in the customer work report . For this purpose we choose the informative data type
Now all that remains is to create the calculation between the rate and the amount in order to obtain the amount of the line. For this we configure a data type calculated between an informative data and a number.
To obtain the sum or partial total of all the parts, we place ourselves at the foot or header of the report and add a new calculated data type
and configure it as follows:
Configuring the labor section
Once the section related to consumables or materials to be valued has been configured, we proceed to configure the specific section for labor.
NOTE 1: in this case it is a summary work report with a crew or work team and valued to deliver to a client as final evidence of the work done, that is why the employees go as a category / resource, in other configurations where the hours to be billed are the user's own hours it is not usually necessary to create a category with the employees or technicians as it is the user himself.
NOTE 2: in other configurations the hours of officer, technician, etc. can be concepts as have been the spare parts and unify everything in a single section.
That said, in this case the configuration is very similar to the spare parts but in this case for professional categories.
a category is created analogous to spare parts but for the professional categories
Within the labor section, a selectable category data is added, linking it this time to the category, professional categories.
A data type number is added to indicate the number of hours
An informative data is also added to carry forward the rate of the professional category.
A calculation is made between the number of hours and the rate to obtain the amount of the line.
Finally, the total cost of labor is calculated in the same way as the total cost of spare parts.
How to perform the VAT breakdown of the total work report valuation for customer
For this specific case we first perform a calculation to obtain the grand total, which in this case will be the taxable base.
We add in the foot of the model a data of type calculated configured in this way:
For the VAT we add a data of type percentage in the model footer
and indicate the VAT percentage
To obtain the Total VAT included we perform a new calculation
Configure work report signature for the customer
Finally, in the model configuration, we go to the specific block to configure the signature and configure it as follows