Pricing app work reports, work orders and absences.

We have a wide range of usage plans for your needs. At itcons you can combine different usage plans within your company in order to have the best option for your company. Check the table and find yours!

No permanence and cancel whenever you want.

* Annual payment, prices without VAT and one usage plan per user.

Basic use plan

0,00 € plan/month


Advanced use plan

4,59 € plan/month

  • 40 work reports per month
  • Unlimited work orders
  • Unlimited absences
  • Calendar view
  • Kanban view
  • Map view
  • See more features

Pro Plan of Use

9,19 € plan/month


* Monthly payment, prices without VAT and one usage plan per user.

Basic use plan

0,00 € plan/month


Advanced use plan

4,99 € plan/month

  • 40 work reports per month
  • Unlimited work orders
  • Unlimited absences
  • Calendar view
  • Kanban view
  • Map view
  • See more features

Pro Plan of Use

9,99 € plan/month


Calculate the price of your usage plans

Discover our usage plan calculator, designed to give you an accurate and personalized estimate. Find the perfect plan, from basic to pro, based on the number of users and their activity.

Frequently asked questions about the plans

Do all users have to be on the same usage plan?

No, you can have as many users as you want with basic usage plans and as many as you need with advanced or Pro usage plans.

Is it necessary to assign advanced and pro usage plans to each user?

No, if you have an advanced or pro-active use plan, the software itself assigns the plans to the users based on their use of the application.

In my company I have 2 technicians that make between 20 and 40 work reports per month, a temporary worker that does not make 20 work reports per month and a supervisor and the manager. What usage plans do I need to hire?

3 basic usage plans: Casual worker, supervisor and manager.
2 advanced usage plans: 2 technicians performing between 20 and 40 work reports per month.

Can I "transfer" the usage plan from one user to another?

The number of advanced and pro usage plans available for the same site can be used for 30 days by one user and the following 30-day period by another user, the software itself assigns the usage plan to each user based on the actions performed in the application.

Is there any incentive for having at least an advanced or pro plan?

Yes, if you have at least an advanced or pro plan, all users of your site will have the kanban, calendar and map views, plus you can use the rename functionality and customize the colors of the application.

Can I cancel my usage plan at any time?

Yes, you can cancel the plan at any time. There is no minimum permanence.

Can I have itcons installed on my company's server?

Yes, you can request to install itcons on your own server. Contact us for more information

What is a concrete delivery note

Business Plan

Ideal for more than 30 advanced and pro plans

  • Tailored pricing
  • On-premise option
  • Adjustment of app jargon
  • Multigroup function
  • Logo in the site login
  • LDAP or Azure AD login
  • Initial consulting pack
  • Preferred support and assistance

Compare usage plans

Compare the features of each usage plan and decide which usage plans you need and how much of each.

work reportsBasicAdvancedPro
Create work reportsUp to 20 per month per user assigned to the planUp to 40 per month per user assigned to the planUnlimited per user assigned to the plan
Public links to create parts without user.
Transcribed audio notesUp to 2030 per month90 per month
Consult work reports
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Listing on web and app
Kanban View
Available to all users.

Available to all users.
Calendar View
Available to all users.

Available to all users.
Map View
Available to all users.

Available to all users.
GPS time stamp
Signature tracking view
Part model gallery
Edit part models
Save filters and default filter
Work ordersBasicAdvancedPro
Create work ordersUnlimited per user assigned to the planUnlimited per user assigned to the planUnlimited per user assigned to the plan
Consult work orders
Logo in the PDF
Download in PDF
Download in Excel
Listing on web and app
Kanban View
Available to all users.

Available to all users.
Calendar View
Available to all users.

Available to all users.
Types of work orders
Work order reports
Work order type template
Part model gallery
Vacations and absencesBasicAdvancedPro
Create and manage absence requestsUnlimited per user assigned to the planUnlimited per user assigned to the planUnlimited per user assigned to the plan
Create absence types
Check vacation balance
Closing the annual balance
Start the annual balance
Balance tracking
Create holidays
Kanban View
Calendar View
Access to the api or webservice
Custom developments / added functionalitiesConsultConsultConsult
Integrations and automation (Itcons Auto)More infoMore infoMore info
Customized dashboards and exports (Itcons Data)More infoMore infoMore info