For the return of the summer vacations we plan to publish a new module oriented to the management of absences, whether they are vacations, leaves or sick leaves. This module is a natural evolution of the application since many of our users use the application itcons as a daily work tool, either to create works reports daily, to record hours for the working day registration or also as a means to generate delivery notes digital that then deliver to their customers.
Being a tool for daily use, when a person has not filled out or filled out work reports or any other type of record, the person responsible for checking whether all the daily documents are there, usually finds that he/she has to check if that day was a holiday or if the person in question was on vacation or on leave. In this way, he/she manually determines if indeed a report should not have been generated on the day in question or if not, if the person worked that day but does not have a work report to back it up.
Having presented the context that led us to develop this new module, we will now analyze the first screens of the absences module (vacations, leaves and sick leaves).
Create an absence, for vacation, common illness, wedding leave, etc.
The user can create a new absence from both the web and the app.
Review, accept or reject absences
Absence module notifications
In order to adequately monitor the workflow, the system has notifications for both the user responsible for reviewing the absences and the user who requested the absence.
Checking my vacation balance
Each user, both on the web and in the app, can consult and even download in excel the movements of requests for absences and closings and openings of each year in order to know the balance of vacations available at that moment.
Balance inquiry for the company's users
The administrator user or a user with sufficient permissions can consult the vacation balance per person.
Integrated view work reports and absences (holidays and absences)
In the new calendar view of work reports , the work report and the system calendar are put in common, so it is known which users create work reports on a holiday and which users have not created a work report because they are absent.
Create and configure absence types
In the absences module you can create as many types of absences as you wish, and the types of absences can be configured as each user wishes.
This is the list with an example of types of absences:
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