Project information type data

What is

A field where the user who is creating the working document is automatically charged the text indicated in the project information field corresponding to the header project.

That is why it is necessary to have the project information field filled in for each project.

How to configure it in the part model editor.

First choose the type of data, in this case "project information".

Then, in the Data Name fieldyou indicate the header of the data, this field is shown in the application when requesting the data to the mobile user. Also, you can generate a PDF with the work report filled in, as well as the export in Excel as a column header.

The "required" check indicates that this work report cannot be sent without filling in the indicated data. Note that it does not work the same if the text type data is located within a section in part lines or in part header or footer. In the first case, it will only be mandatory if a part line is registered, but in case of placing the data in the part header or footer, it will always be mandatory.

With the Check "visible PDF" you can manage whether it is displayed in the PDF or not.

How it works in the application

In this case, the user is charged the value entered in the project information field of the project in question.

View fields in a project file

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