Configure absence types

Although when you activate the absence module you automatically have predefined absence types, as an administrator you can edit the preloaded absence types, you can disable them or you can add new absence types.

Default absence types

The default absence types are:

  • Vacations
  • Common disease
  • Industrial accident
  • Birth leave
  • Breastfeeding leave
  • Wedding permit

The configuration of absence types can be accessed from the side menu:

Configuración > y en otras configuraciones pulsar sobre "Configurar tipos de ausencias"

Each type of absence has certain parameters:

  • Name: This is the identifying and descriptive text of the type of absence.
  • Acronym: Displayed in the calendar view where the name is too long to be displayed in full.
  • Deduct from leave balance. If this parameter is activated, each time an absence of this type is approved, the balance will be deducted from the available leave balance.
  • Not checked, accept automatically. Used for when the absence type is to be automatically accepted after the user submits.
  • Allow sending without an end date. If the nature of the type of absence means that the end date is unknown or not even estimated.
  • Activate notifications. With this field activated, the notifications of sending, acceptance and rejection will be sent to the interested parties.
  • Calculate based on: If working days are chosen when calculating the duration of absence it excludes holidays and Saturdays or Sundays if they are marked as holidays in the corresponding user calendar. On the other hand, if calendar days are chosen, the system does not take holidays into account when calculating the duration.

Table of default configuration of preloaded absence types

NameDiscount balanceNot reviewedAllow without end dateActivate notificationsCalculate based on
Common diseaseNatural
Industrial accidentNatural
Birth leaveNatural
Breastfeeding leaveSkilled
Wedding permitNatural

Create an absence type

Dentro de la página de tipos de ausencia pulsar sobre el boton situado en la esquina superior derecha "crear tipo de ausencia"

Once the form is loaded, fill in the configuration parameters as desired:

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