This update published on February 23, 2023 incorporates the following new features:
- Functionality: New scanner data type with which you can add the value behind a barcode, QR or similar. More information about this feature
- Functionality: Possibility of deactivating the inalterability of data in a document sent or accepted with or without signature.
- Functionality: New incremental data type, useful for hourmeters, odometers or similar. More information
- Functionality: Configuration of the document section so that the data within the section must be entered sequentially.
- Correction: Absences module. Correction in the balance report, it did not show the balances of type "from the previous year" and added manually.
- Fix: The show in PDF option was disappearing on calculated type data set to hidden.
- Fix: Work order module. Scroll error in create work order.
- Correction: Web environment, change the status of the work order in the work order listing to completed when sending a document (work report) by performing the entire action from the work order listing.
- Correction: In the layout of the signed icon.
- Correction: Section names with tilde were giving error when creating a document.
- Improvement: In the document activity, the events signature, return to to be sent and edited by sent have been added.
- Visual improvement: New layout of the email copy sending according to the rest of the email layouts.
- Visual improvement: in the document editor, data types have been identified with icons to help understanding.