On February 28, 2022 the application will be updated to version 4.7, this version brings several new features among which we highlight the following:
New web navigation for work reports, work orders and absences.
In order to improve the navigability for users with administrator and project manager roles, a new and more interactive way of creating, consulting and managing the different work reports, work orders and absences has been developed. In this new way and attending to the demand of our users, a new way has been developed so that "all the action" takes place in the work reports consultation pages without the need to load a new page, thus facilitating the management and helping in the management of the information within the application. This change affects only the web environment and is focused on helping users in charge of creating work orders, managing them, receiving work reports and reviewing them or accepting or rejecting absences.
New status graphs on the dashboard
The visual exploitation of both work reports and work orders by status and over time has been added (for the time being for the administrator role).