Upgrade Version 4.9

This is the list with the main new features of this new update:

Consult online the work report from the PDF version

Con esta funcionalidad cualquier persona que consulte el parte en PDF puede ver la versión albergada en digital. Puede acceder a la versión en digital escaneando el código QR o pulsando sobre el en texto "ver parte de trabajo online"

Esta funcionalidad se activa automáticamente para todos los modelos de parte de trabajo con la opción "permitir compartir parte de trabajo" habilitada en la configuración del modelo de parte de trabajo.

Customize the flow of work order creation.

In the configuration of the work order types(Configuration > Configure work order types) within each work order type you can now choose which data you want to highlight so that when creating a work order the initial sequence requests this data.

Consult the work report PDF layout from the signature screen of work report.

Para todos los modelos de parte de trabajo con la firma manuscrita activada al mostrar el modal de firma se puede pulsar sobre el botón "Ver PDF online"

After clicking on the button, work report is displayed in PDF format so that it can be consulted in an agile and direct way from the signature module itself. This functionality is very useful when the signature is used for a client or similar to validate the work report.

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Recording of signature time and e-mail addresses

As of this new update, the date and time of the signature and the addresses of email to which a copy has been sent are shown.