What are and how to configure work order types?

Work order types serve different purposes:

The first is to be able to categorize work orders into families or typologies, for example preventive, corrective, internal, external, etc. orders. You can create as many typologies as you wish.

A second purpose of work order types is to be able to set up a differentiated operation by work order type. For example, you can create a work order type that allows repetitive work orders and one that does not.

Configuration of work order types

Name: The name given to the type of order to identify it.

Part model: This is the model of work report or models (there can be several) that will be required to be filled in from the work order form. Here is an entry on How to create a work report from a work order

Template: this field is used to predefine the text to be loaded into the order information field of each order generated from this type of order. This text in each order can be edited.

Allow grouping of work orders: this functionality makes it possible to merge several work orders into one. This is useful for example when we receive redundant notifications.

Part date equal to work order start date: With this configuration when creating the work report linked to the work order, instead of loading today's date, which is the default operation, the date of the work report will be equal to the start date indicated in the work order.

Enable unit of measure. This functionality allows you to add a numeric field to the work order tab.

You must indicate a name or label for the unit of measure. And when creating work orders of this type of work order the new field will appear:

With this setting enabled you can share work orders to anyone with or without a user on itcons.app so that they can view the work order file and follow up on it.

By default, the system automatically assigns the identifier incrementally. On the other hand, with this functionality activated, the system does not assign any identifier and it is the user who can add it. This is useful for example in multi-insurance service companies where they receive incidents from different insurers and each one with its own identifier.

Work order with models this functionality is activated by default if it is deactivated the work orders of this type are unlinked with the models of work report. This setting is useful when we want for example to simply list tasks or use itcons as a task manager without the need to link each task or work order with a work report.

Activate repetitive work orders With this functionality you can program work orders that are repeated from time to time. See specific manual entry.

Enable attachments with this feature you allow users to add attachments to work orders.

Enable links With this feature you allow users to add links in work orders.

Users with mobile user role can NOT complete work orders. With this functionality enabled, only users with administrator or project manager role can complete a work order.

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