There are many companies that ask us for help in management issues with the application Broadly speaking, what companies are looking for is to optimize either the management of information related to the production of the company or information related to costs, even in some cases the company seeks to optimize both areas. Whatever the objective pursued by the company, to achieve a real and authentic optimization in the data management processes within the organization, it is essential to have an adequate design or data flow diagram.
Thus, from itcons we always recommend not only to focus on what and itcons brings, which is precisely the digitization of work documents, whether they are work reports action sheets, work orders, checklists, expense sheets, vacation requests, etc. At all times we must take into account with what other flows or information generated in other environments we need to cross this data and also in what structure or with what relationships we need to collect the information.
Having this premise clear, another aspect to take into account is in which system the information is generated, i.e. for example, I am going to create the project in itcons and I am going to dump it automatically without requiring data integrity in my other management system or I need itcons to have some identifiers specific to the billing management system so that when dumping or integrating them there are no problems of data inconsistency.
Another important aspect to take into account is do I need the information at the moment or is it enough to generate a monthly export without the need for instant integration?
In itcons we have developed all kinds of projects etc. with instant integrations through web service or apis or also through file exchange in older technology systems. We have also made intermediate projects which consist of customizing or adapting the standard export of itcons so that the export generated by the user as it is adapted to the export that needs to be dumped in your management system.
From itcons we want to emphasize that do not hesitate to ask us about integrations because we have different ways to integrate, the latest and most innovative way is the service itcons auto which allows us to integrate itcons with more than 200 applications on the market.
How itcons auto works
It is a service that is custom configured for each use case since each company has its own way of managing and with this tool we can adapt the integration to each situation but this adaptation does not require programming but consists of using the functionalities available in the module itcons auto to generate periodic requests for listening points (weebhook) and other systems that allow us to integrate the management application of your company with