Updating version 4.6 Version update 4.6 Version update 4.6 Version updateJanuary 3, 2022 - On January 04, 2022 the new version is published with the following...
New EXCEL export of work reports in grouped mode.November 28, 2021 - This new EXCEL export allows you to obtain for a given time interval a query...
CREST - Collaborative site managementNovember 3, 2021 - Most concrete supply plants manage automated manufacturing...
Updating version 4.5 Version update 4.5 Version update 4.5 Version updateOctober 5, 2021 - The previous update, version 4.4, was released on August 25, 2021, past...
First screenshots of the new absence management moduleJune 8, 2021 - For the return of the summer vacations we plan to publish a new module oriented to...
Updated V4.3 app work reports, work orders and absences.April 6, 2021 - Today we are releasing an update of itcons.app with the following improvements: New Kanban view in web...
work report as an information system VS control or record of evidence.March 26, 2021 - We often encounter users who are either looking to useitcons as a way...
Digitalización y business intelligencefebrero 11, 2021 - Hoy escuchamos la palabra digitalización y business intelligence, que resumiendo podríamos decir que se trata...
Capture, process and exploit dataFebruary 3, 2021 - The last few weeks talking with different users ofitcons we have realized that there is...
Create an app for works reports and work orders in 3minDecember 29, 2020 - This short video shows the process by which you can create your own...
Forget the paper, go digitalDecember 3, 2020 - From Itcons we believe that digitalization is a necessity that allows us to be at the forefront....